Well, this was what the trip was all about. Most dancers had set their alarms for ‘early, and most were awake and slapping on the war-paint, ‘very early’.
Paul, true to his word, was ready to sort out the breakfast orders well over 2 hours before normal. Most dancers wanted to be at the Empress by the floor opening time of 7:30. Simon appeared at the Boomerang and most headed off in a group, keen and eager, but with a distinct lack of nerves.
This time, the west doors were open and we headed through into the rather magnificent Winter gardens complex and found the Empress ball room. This was the day after the terrible Manchester suicide bombing and the first security guard I spoke to, was at the Manchester Arena the night before.
There were notices about “No Video recording allowed”, but whilst the dancers were practicing, there were heaps of people with i-Pads and cameras, filming. A chat to security established that once the competition started, videoing was not allowed and that was partly what they were looking for. We could however, take as many photographs as we wanted.
Needless to say, I didn’t take any video, but I did take lots of pics – some of them appear to be moving. Ahem.
Despite the minimal practice and obvious disruption to the learned routines, practiced over several months - and at huge cost, the girls were just fantastic, having had about ten minutes each with Simon. Sure, some didn’t manage to progress to their next rounds, but when you looked from above as Barry and I did, (more of that later) with up to 20 couples on the floor at once; the 5 judges, standing side by side; looking for the best 12 from 20 in just 60 seconds, c’mon! These girls have paid £50 for one minute on the floor, per dance, (not the two minutes they thought they were getting), so we assume the judges saw immediately two or three who were going through, at a glance and wrote their numbers down, then just put any of the other numbers down. A bit cynical of me maybe, but it does really mean that the dancers have to make an immediate impression - and that is not going to come at 45 seconds or later in their learned two minute routine!
Congratulations to young Aubry, Ellen and Trish for their medals but the real hero has to be Simon. He was just fantastic, taking on such a huge task, as without him, for many, it would have been a wasted trip.
Barry and I both bought bottled water from the venue for Simon, and were horrified to find they were charging £1:60 a small bottle. (At Pound Land, about £4 a dozen.) As Barry and I often viewed from the upstairs balcony, we were likened to Statler & Waldorf from the Muppets…
Only Trish made it to dance at night in front of a live orchestra, so the rest of us grabbed a meal on site before cheering her on in her final. Alas, only a 4th place.
We all then headed back to the Boomerang and Simon joined us for one of those evenings that will be remembered for a long, long time. So many laughs and so much Mickey taking.
Paula reckoned it was one of her best day’s ever and even though she didn’t gain a medal, she absolutely loved it. She enjoyed dancing with Simon too and hopefully, we’ll be able to squeeze in a lesson with him when we are in Bournemouth, before and after the cruise.
Tomorrow, we have Liverpool to look forward to and we are travelling in by train. As the train from Blackpool heads towards Manchester, which has been badly affected by the suicide bomber, hopefully all will be well.
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