The day started off fair though as usual, by the time we rolled out of bed, the ship had already docked. Apart from Oslo, we haven’t been to Norway before, so each port is a new experience for us.
The ship berthed on the Port side, bow almost in the town.
The small single decker Ho-Ho buses were dockside and it is only a 45 minute round trip.
No passports or ID required. Just a walk off.
Typical. Just when I’d decided I’d only have a little ham and cheese and no cooked breakfast items, the plate was warm… A really nice American couple from Los Angeles joined us and he was formerly marketing parts manager for Nissan. Once again, so nice to chat to complete strangers.
Once we’d done the round, we walked the few yards into town, into the narrow cobbled car free streets. A comfort stop at McDonalds, so a free pic for them.
A great range of shops, large and small and Paula added to her shoe collection. The lady who served her was married to a kiwi. I think she has added 4 pairs – so far. Two pairs of sandals, 1 pair of boots and a pair of dance shoes. I have only added paperback books and chocolate.
We loved this place and were more than happy just wandering around. We certainly didn’t need to do a Princess tour.
We joined 4 English people for trivia and met a fellow traditional jazz fan. No, of course we didn’t win.
Paula was suffering from dance withdrawal symptoms so we had a rumba, a waltz and a cha-cha before dinner. As always, one flash couple on the floor… I did smile when they struggled with the Viennese waltz, but there again, that is one dance I have never got to grips with – yet. One day.
Our table for six was only set for 4 – and then two ‘new’ people were allocated. Ben and Sally had asked for a table of 8 but were the only two appearing at their own table, so they’d asked for a move. Originally from Buckinghamshire, then around the Hayes/Bedfont area, where Sally taught at Longford, where I seem to remember a young lady of my acquaintance back in 1968 was schooled. They’ve retired to Sleaford in Lincolnshire, where an older lady of my acquaintance lived for a while - Stewart’s other grandmother.
A pleasant enough meal then on to the theatre for a performer we’d seen before, Peter Howarth, singer and guitarist, from the Hollies since about 2004. A very professional act with a mix of Hollies, Roy Orbison and Cliff Richard, who he has toured with, as part of Cliff’s band. I’m giving him an 8.5 as I really enjoyed his guitar playing.
The sail in is pretty long but sunrise is 3:43am… What is that old saying about getting up at daybreak? Whatever it is, we are ignoring it, but at least the curtains are thick.
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