With sunrise now at 2:10am, there is some semblance of night again – but not a lot. As with most sea days, no alarm clock required but we were still up at a reasonable time. At breakfast, in the Horizon Court, chocolate doughnuts, but before you all cheer, they were more plain chocolate than milk – but I had one anyway.
No win to report for trivia, so it hardly seems worthwhile mentioning it.
Once again, some nice grilled salmon for lunch, along with some pasta with chicken and ham in the sauce. As is often the case on sea days, particularly during the day time, a reliable internet collection was impossible, so I seemed to spend ages just waiting and getting nowhere. I should have waited until bed time to post the blog (which is what I eventually did). In the past, it was emailed straight through, but now I have to connect to ‘blogspot’, to publish it.
After trivia, plus cabin time, we got changed for the ’Captains Circle’ welcome. Whereas the Baltic’s cruise had us at number 4 for most travelled passengers, a 600 Elite influx pushed us well down the rankings, as the top 3 each had over 1,000 days to their credit. That is 3 years spent on Princess ships. The dress code on the invitation quite clearly said ‘smart casual’. So our non-Welsh table mate had on a 3 piece suit… Nice one Ben! On the way to dinner, we caught Paul wearing his 70’s gear.
It was Italian night in the dining room so an opportunity to take a pic of our table waiters, Rocky and Jelena. We headed off early enough this time get seats for the production show ‘Disco - Blame it On The Boogie’, but it should really have just been called ‘Disco’. Plenty of bright lights, electronic images bags of colour and the cast of 11 dancers and 4 singers making a good show.
We had a sunset! We’ve managed (just) to get on a tour tomorrow, having changed our minds twice, but a sensible start time.
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